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Thank you for investing in the transformation of lives!

Love Always Ministries rely on your financial partnership to be able to fulfill our mission. Your ongoing automatic or one time gifts of $25, $50, $100, $500 or another amount enables the Exchanged Life method of counseling and training to happen. That message is, a message of transformation not through self improvement but through a new life all together, Christ’s life!


Online gifts can be given by echeck, debit card or credit card. Gifts can be given on a one time basis or be setup to automatically draft at a regular frequency of your choice. All gifts to Love Always Ministries, a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization, are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

Online giving is safe and secure.  When you give a gift to Love Always Ministries, your personal information is secured using industry standard security and fraud prevention services.

Prefer to not give online?  Great, write a check payable to “Love Always Ministries” and mail it to:

     Love Always Ministries

     5031 Hodgkins Place

     Lilburn, GA  30047

Please consider becoming a monthly giving partner.  We are thankful for your gift.

© 2016 by Love Always Ministries, Inc. 

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